At REVUZ, we are committed to providing exceptional service and prioritizing our customers’ convenience. Our cancellation policy has been designed with this principle in mind.
How to Cancel an Order
If you need to cancel an order, please do so within 24 hours of placing it. You can cancel outright under the following conditions:
- If the order has not yet been processed for preparation, we will refund the entire amount.
- For items specially prepared for you, cancellations may not be possible after processing begins.
Cancellations After Shipping
If the product has already been shipped, cancellations are not allowed. However, a replacement will be provided if the product has defects upon delivery.
Refund Policy
Refunds will be processed in the original payment method within 10 working days from the cancellation date.
Return Policy
We strive to deliver our products in perfect condition. If you receive a damaged or defective product, please contact us with your order details. Return the product to our office within 7 days of receipt for a refund. Note that the product must remain unused and untampered for the refund to be processed within 7 days of its return to REVUZ.
Feel free to reach out to our support team for any additional queries or assistance.